All the words and not heard

Silence falls upon me

Conditioned quiet like a brick on my face

All the things to say and no one to hear

Listen they do as an obligation 

Courteous “uh huhs” with no understanding 

Yelling into a black hole

Forming words that no one receives

Energy flails through the wind with nowhere to land 

Off I go to far off lands sick of the deduced silence 

“There must be some who hear me”

Find them I must with my sanity barely strung 

That thread, just one thread left 

Tears soaking it’s fibers in desperation

Of a place I must let find me

Find it I do and find them I must

The post-awakening lost children

Finding their way against all odds 

The misunderstood and lonely

The writhing effects of “have you lost your mind?”

The soulful “rejects” of a dying paradigm 

Those relentlessly awoken to more

Those who can’t unsee what they see

Those transcending what’s possible 

Lead by intuition

To corners of the world 

To heal, to love, to reveaL

And find each other we do

Sanity restored in a new model and context 

Soothing balm for the string of acidic deaths

Fill and fill and fill the tanks

With connections fueled by universal supply 

Resounding resonance residing inside 

The lost children found each other 

The lost children found themselves

The lost children found their voices

New becomes steady

Steady becomes integral

Integral becomes innate 

Innate, then becomes...required beyond the bubble

Back into the hornet's nest we go where

Enveloping unconsciousness still reigns strong

Except for the few 

Into the fire the light blooms bright

Destruction at hand, irritation a constant

Presence and presence and presence demanded 

My words matter and drip in potent truth

I will be heard amidst your depth of discomfort 

The tension is my new comfort and home

Willing I am to relentlessly love you

Beyond your addictions and hidden selves

I call you forward to fly with the hornets 

The hornets protect the hidden den

Of despair and pain and unresolved traumas 

Hiding in my light is a feat unbearable 

You may not hear me but I know you’re listening 

Your soul soaking each vibration into your being

To remember for a time when spirit calls on you 

The time is ticking, the pressure rising

You get to be right or you get to be free

You get to soak in my presence or loathe my absence

The choice is yours 

Tick tock tick tock

Heaven on earth awaits 




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